liquid lipstick tips

Liquid Lipstick Tips and Tricks!

  My first experience with Liquid Lipstick was in St Louis at our Younique Convention. They unveiled our new line of Splash Liquid Lipsticks, and handed us all one to try.  My first impression was that it was very smooth and velvety when applying, and it didn’t dry my lips out.  I also noticed how much more…

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Summer is here! Time to break out the Tanning Products!

 I’m about as pale as they come!  As we all know, tanning naturally in the sun has a lot of drawbacks.  Skin cancer runs on both sides of my family, so I don’t want to spend lots of time outside and risk getting sunburned or developing skin cancer.  So what can a pale girl like…

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My Night Time Routine Plus Pampering! [VLOG]

Night time routine and pampering!!??? Posted by Aimee Clark Barney on Wednesday, April 12, 2017

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How to Treat Puffy Eyes

As a mother of 3 children, I have been dealing with puffy eyes for a long time!  Sometimes I am just too tired to care about taking the time to treat and conceal the puffy eyes.  When that happens I like to go for this option as a quick fix that leaves me looking presentable! …

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Our Autism Journey With My Son [VLOG]

I thought I would share my journey with Autism to help bring awareness to others.  I also hope to be able to help others to find support and love as they also begin their own journey with their children.  This video is raw, and was LIVE on the day I found out my son has…

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How To Color Match With Liquid Foundation

I am embarrassed to admit that for the longest time I depended on others to help me figure out how to color match.  I just didn’t understand!  Then I had it explained to me in a way that just clicked!  It really is quite simple!!  When broken down like this, and by asking these simple…

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How to Slay Your Goals in 2017!! [VLOG]

 Don’t fall into the category of over 80% of people that quit their resolutions after January 15th!  Here are my tips that I have learned that will help you to raise your standards, and build habits that will create the long term success you want!!  How to keep on slaying your goals in 2017! Posted…

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5 tips to overcome obstacles

5 Tips to Overcome Obstacles to Your Success

Have you ever felt inspired to do something huge to change your life?  After the initial motivation to change has left, now what? What do you do after you have been knocked down 1, 2, 3, or 1000 times?  Here are 5 Tips to help you overcome obstacles.  Tip #1 to Overcome Obstacles: Your ‘Why’  Like…

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Live a Life of Purpose and Passion

3 Ways to Live a Life with Purpose and Passion

After my 3rd child was born, I was extremely overwhelmed, and barely getting by day to day. I was sleep deprived every night, and in survival mode for a very long time. When my son was 18 months old,  I came across an opportunity that changed my life.  I never felt driven to pursue any one thing in…

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