Do You Feel Stuck in a Rat Race? [VLOG]

Do you feel like you are always learning, but never able to reach your goals?

I’ve felt this way so many times.  When I first started my business, I felt I had to know everything right away before I could really dig in and grow.  I was in so many groups, and watched all the training videos I could find.  All this learning held me back from taking action toward my goal. That was such a mistake!  Watch my video below for the 2 tips that have helped me to pull myself out of that rat race and move forward!

Do you feel stuck in a rat race? Always learning, but never moving toward your goal? 😑💥 Tonight I'm going to talk about my experience with this.💥 I'll give you 2 tips to breakthrough.#ButterflySchool

Posted by Aimee Clark Barney on Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Step 1:  You need to have a Vision

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”  Victor Hugo

Having a vision is the most important thing.  It needs to be huge, and it needs to be something you desire.  If it isn’t big, it will not get you through the tough times.  Dreaming big inspires greatness and calls forth big energy.   When you start to make changes, your brain will sabotage you and try and prevent you from moving toward your goal.  Your vision will inspire you to elevate your energy and push through the self sabotage, and achieve those goals. 


Step 2: Take Action!

How much time are you spending on learning and preparing for your goal?  If it is more than 20% of the time that you have available to work on your goals, then it is too much.  80% of your time should be spent on activity toward your goal!  If this is not the case, maybe it is time to evaluate what you are spending your time on.


Step 3: Build and Live your Dream

My life has completely changed since I embraced my purpose. I live my life with a vision of empowering women to feel confident and beautiful, at the center of all I do.  I didn’t think I would have time to build a business.  I had a full time job, 3 children, and my son has autism and requires 6 days of therapy a week.  Tapping into my vision fills my life with passion and an energy that overflows into all that I do!  It is like I was living in black and white before, and now everywhere I look, the world is filled with a beautiful rainbow of colors! 

If you would like to work with me, CLICK HERE.





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