Do You Live with Anxiety? [VLOG]

I have a confession to make.  I have anxiety.  I have struggled with it since  I was a little child.  Various experiences in my life have made it worse.  Over time I have also learned how to recognize and manage it.  On my way to my parent’s house in Atlanta, a series of events unfolded to lead me to have one of my most anxious moments recently.  Here is a video I shared LIVE on Facebook telling about what happened, and how I was able to overcome it in that moment.  I know that some levels of anxiety will take more than a few basic tips.  Sometimes medication is needed.  My reason for sharing this is to show you that you are not alone.  Many struggle with it and are able to still lead full and happy lives!  I welcome any comments or questions.  Please feel free to message me! 


Who has anxiety?✋

Posted by Aimee Clark Barney on Tuesday, July 11, 2017

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