Do you Struggle with Feeling Unworthy? [VLOG]

Have you ever felt unworthy?

Umm…yes, that is me jumping up and down raising my hand. I’ve struggled with feeling unworthy and not good enough for most of my life.  I’ve been working really hard with Neuro tools and my coach Deb Erickson and making great progress.  While I was at one of her events in New Mexico, I had an amazing time.  I also had one moment that threatened to send me home feeling unworthy, and miserable.  Here is what happened, and how I overcame that. 


What do you do when your expectations aren't met?😕How do you handle feelings of unworthiness?💥👉 Tonight I'm going to share my breaking board experience and why it relates.#ButterflySchool

Posted by Aimee Clark Barney on Tuesday, March 6, 2018


It’s all about our expectations

My feelings of not being good enough, an impostor, or unworthy stemmed from my expectations of how I would break the board.  I discounted the fact that I did it, and framed it as being ‘not good enough’ because I did it differently than others.  Do you struggle with this? Is it just that you expected one thing, and it didn’t happen?  Could it help to re-frame it in your mind before succumbing to the negative feelings and emotions that come with not enoughness? 

Here is my board with fear on the back and my goal on the front. 


Orange Status

After breaking my board, standing in front of my vision poster. 


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