Finding Your Motivation [VLOG]

Do you ever have trouble following through with your goals? 

I know I do! As I have embraced the journey of building my own business and being an entrepreneur, it seems as though a spotlight has been shined on all my weaknesses. At times it is difficult to find the motivation I need to move forward.  In my VLOG, I share tips on how to motivate from the positive and negative side.  


Finding Your Motivation- Do you ever have trouble following through with your goals?!✋Tonight I'm going to share how to embrace the negative as well so you can move forward! #ButterflySchool

Posted by Aimee Clark Barney on Tuesday, February 20, 2018


What take-aways do you have from the video?  How can you better motivate yourself to reach your goals? 

If you would like more tips or information, please feel free to contact me! 


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