Live a Life of Purpose and Passion

3 Ways to Live a Life with Purpose and Passion

After my 3rd child was born, I was extremely overwhelmed, and barely getting by day to day. I was sleep deprived every night, and in survival mLive a Life of Purpose and Passionode for a very long time. When my son was 18 months old,  I came across an opportunity that changed my life.  I never felt driven to pursue any one thing in my life, and had always been content. I didn’t realize how much my life would change by following a passion and pursuing my dreams. I have since discovered how vital it is to live with purpose and passion.  Here are 3 tips to guide you out of survival mode and into prosperity


Live a Life of Purpose Tip #1- Make a choice to change.

There Live a Life of Purpose and Passionare times in our lives when we need to bunker down and be in survival mode.  If you find that you are constantly living your life this way, then it is time to make the choice to change the way you look at your life.  Obstacles will still come, and you may have to change your plans from time to time to reach your goals. Maintaining a postive mindset focussed on a purpose, will create a more fulfilling life. 

Click Here to Begin to  Live a Life of Purpose and Passion 


Live a Life of Purpose Tip #2- Fail

Yes, that is right.  It is important to embrace failure.  I have a 2 year old that doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. When he was learning to walk, heLive a Life of Purpose and passion fell many times.  This didn’t stop him from progressing, but helped him learn how to get better.  Any successful person will tell you that they learned the most through their failures.  As we get older, we have been knocked down so much by life that it is hard to move past failures. Instead we would rather give up on our dreams rather than face defeat again. Looking back on my journey in my business, there were many times that I thought I had failed.  A year later, I now see that everything was a learning experience and was not a failure at all, but it made me who I am today.



Live a Life of Purpose Tip #3- Have an Open Mind.

ILive a LIfe of Purpose and Passoin can be so stubborn, and change can be hard.  I was adamant about never ever doing any direct sales.  When my husband mentioned this opportunity to me, I told him “No way!!”  As I thought on it, I felt inspired that I should give it a try.  I felt it could help create a life of purpose and passion, and be healthy for me. I am an introvert, and I had embraced the solitude and I was not pursuing any personal growth.  I took a chance and I leapt.  The postive changes that have come into my life have been such a blessing.  I feel more confident and alive than I have ever felt. My mission has breathed new life into all aspects of my life. I thought I couldn’t handle anymore, but didn’t understand how living my life with purpose and passion would fulfill a part of me that I didn’t realize needed to be filled.  By doing this, I felt more complete, and happier in all areas of my life.  Make the choice, fail your way to the top, and keep an open mind. This is the way to jump start a life filled with purpose and passion! 


Here is a video I recently did on Living your life with Purpose and breaking the habit of reactive living:


Click Here to Start Building Your Confidence And Living Your Life With Passion



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