5 tips to overcome obstacles

5 Tips to Overcome Obstacles to Your Success

Have you ever felt inspired to do something huge to change your life?  After the initial motivation to change has left, now what? What do you do after you have been knocked down 1, 2, 3, or 1000 times?  Here are 5 Tips to help you overcome obstacles. 

Tip #1 to Overcome Obstacles: Your ‘Why’

 Like anything worth doing, it is important to get in touch with your reasons. Living a life of overcoming obstaclespurpose and passion requires that you have a why that is so powerful it moves you to tears.  Why marry? Why have children? Why get healthy?  Why do whatever goal it is you want?  With a strong reason or ‘why’, this will help guide you and help you get through the bumps, the disappointments, and the times when you want to quit.    I love helping women, and it is my passion to help as many as I can to feel confident and find purpose in their lives. Not only that, but to be a leader in our industry, motivate others to make a difference, continue to grow in personal development, and obtain financial freedom.  My ‘Why’ is what helped me to overcome some large obstacles and disappointments.  If you plan to make a go of this business, look deep into your heart, and dream big.  What is it you really want out of life?  What are the dreams you have been hiding for fear you will not be able to do them?  Pull those out and make them a reality.  This is what will give you the strength to pick up the pieces and move on, instead of quitting.

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Tip #2 to Overcome Obstacles: Personal Development


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The more you grow, the bigger your pay check will grow.  Personal development is going to strengthen your ‘why’, improve relationships, and improve you!  Schedule in 20-30 minutes every day.  Watch yourself grow! If you would like some recommendations on some great books to read, CLICK HERE.

Tip #3 to Overcome Obstacles: Plan


Untitled drawing Your dreams and goals will not come to fruition if you do not  make a plan and take action on it.  Take the time to plan out your month, week, and each day.  This helps me to feel less stressed, and have guidance about what it is I am trying to get done each day. Each night I plan out the next day.  Planning will help you to work through obstacles on your journey to success.

Tip #4 to Overcome Obstacles:  Be Consistent

I can’t say this enough!! Consistency is key to growth and overcoming any obstacles.  There will plant seedsbe days when you may want to quit.  When it would be far easier to just be like everyone else.  Consistently being consistent will push you through that wall, and power you on ahead. I have often wondered if some of the paths I chose were not the best for my business.  Now I am seeing the consistency paying off.  I have realized that you can’t go wrong in where you plant seeds, the key is being consistent.

Tip #5 to Overcome Obstacles: Daily Affirmations and/or Mediation

No enemy withinThere is an african proverb that really hits home to me.  “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”  I am often my own worst enemy.  I have been working on getting out of my head and more into my life and business.  Taking the time to meditate, and recite daily affirmations in the morning and at night, has helped me to make them a reality in my life.

Implementing these 5 steps consistently, will help you to overcome all obstacles on your road to success.

For more information and to work with Aimee, please click here:


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