Why I did a Complete 180 and Said Yes!

Let’s travel back 2 years ago to when I was working full time, caring for my 3 young children, sleep deprived…oh wait!! That is me today!  While I still work full time, care for my 3 children, and I’m still tired, my life is far different than it was.  My life did a complete 180 two years ago, and though a lot of the day to day things are still the same for me, I have grown by leaps and bounds into a stronger, better, wiser, and more talented version of myself. It all began when my husband suggested that I should start my own makeup company through network marketing.   I thought he was crazy, and I had very strong opinions of network marketing.  My list of reasons why I would NEVER do something like that included:

1. I don’t wear makeup

2. Network Marketing doesn’t work 

3. I have no friends

4. I work full time

5. I have 3 young children

6. I have no energy for new things

7. I hate sales




CLICK HERE to learn more. 

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am very passionate about my opinions and how I feel about different things, AKA stubborn.  Just ask my mom! In spite of my strong feelings in the contrary, I felt drawn to this opportunity and began pondering it in my mind.  I was resistant to making such a huge change in my life. I had valid reasons and excuses for not taking on anything else.  I could not deny though the thoughts and feelings I had over the next few days.  I realized I had stopped working on me and didn’t have anything of my own. I wasn’t growing anymore, or using my talents and abilities to help others.  I felt that it was time for me to reach out and get to know other women, and help them to learn to love themselves and be confident.  Along with helping other women, I knew that my network marketing business would give me an opportunity to help our family work toward financial freedom.  After several days of pondering this, I realized I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.  So, I spent that $99 to get a beautiful makeup kit and I leapt!  It has not been an easy journey, but it has been more wonderful, and I have been blessed by it more than I ever would have imagined!  Nothing in life worth having is easy to do!  I’m more confident than ever that I can help others to be successful in this business.  I have grown from no makeup skills, to working toward a Professional Makeup Artist Certification.  My passion for what I do only grows, as does my confidence in sharing with others!  I absolutely love what I do, and the impact I can have on other’s lives.  I love that through my business I can uplift, empower, and validate all women, as well as help women that have been sexually abused as children to reclaim hope through the Younique Foundation.  

For more details on this amazing, life changing opportunity CLICK HERE 

For a limited time you can take advantage of this gorgeous kit worth over $360 and get it for the same $99!  Hurry, don’t miss out! This kit retires 7/31!!  

Presenter Kit

 If you or someone you know was sexually abused as a child, or for more information on the Younique Foundation, CLICK HERE

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